This is Whats Really Holding You Back From Traveling

Everyone wants to travel in various ways, whether it be backpacking a different country, getting a beachside hotel, visiting a nearby town for the weekend, or even simply going to a new part of town you haven’t been to. Everyone wants to change things up every once in a while and they deserve to. After reading this, you will have the tools needed to aspire to the travel lifestyle that works for you. All I have to say before you get to the meat of the post is, to be patient and have no shame for yourself or your lifestyle.

#1 Why its Not Working Out

Its you

Woah, woah, woah, don’t go anywhere yet. This probably isn’t what you wanted to hear but it is, absolutely the number one reason why you struggle to bust out of the bubble you find yourself stuck in. When the topic of travel comes up with peers, friends, or strangers, they often say “I wish I could do that, but I have (this issue) that prevents me from doing so.” 

No matter what I mention or how much time I spend with the person, figuring out valid ways of solving their issues, I cannot convince them that they’re able to make the leap in some of their problems.

They're stuck in their own ways.

I figured out that trying to change someone’s mind is about as easy as moving a mountain. Your mind can only be changed when you decide it’s time to change. That’s the rule for everyone on this planet. Don’t worry though! If you’re reading this, you’re digging your way out of the habits that prevent you from living the life you dream of. 

Procrastination and Prioritization

“It’s not the right time, It’s going to take too much work, I don’t know where to start, I’ll do it tomorrow” Those are phrases we all know too well and ones that I’ve used countless times. Procrastination can come from a variety of reasons and they’re all valid but just because they’re valid doesn’t mean they’re unsolvable issues. The thing I find to be a shame in these phrases is the lack of “How can I?” 

How can I make it the right time? Or how can I find out where to start?

It starts with simply saying AND DOING something as small as reading a blog post that takes 10 or 15 minutes. If it’s a good one maybe even 20 after taking notes. Start creating this little bit of momentum. It won’t feel perfect and your goal might not be in complete focus but its a start.  I talk about something similar in this post (How to Start Traveling Using Deadlines). That moves onto the next reason why people don’t begin


Another one that I’m oh so familiar with. I’m not sure where this mindset comes from, whether we create it ourselves or if its pushed on us as children all we know is that its debilitating! It stops us before we even begin. Let me ask you something.

How many “Perfect” things exist?

When I started asking myself this question I realized “Oh, there aren’t a whole lot of perfect things in the world” The only “perfect” things I’ve experienced are moments with others that were shared. Experiences that I wouldn’t change for the world. 

The greatest art pieces and wonders of the world created by man or naturally, aren’t perfect and they shouldn’t be. You don’t need to be perfect either. It’s unfair to yourself to put yourself on a higher standard than literally everything else that exists around you. 


The Comfort Zone

The official definition of the phrase comfort zone is 

“a place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress” 

This is a fine definition but I would prefer it to be closer to “a moment in time or place in which you do not have the challenges to flourish and grow into the person you can ultimately become.”

Days spent in the comfort zone are needed, we aren’t machines that can go under unique stresses every day while being mentally established. Occasional or even frequent stresses are amazing for your growth. Some go to extremes like cliff jumping while others can just be going for a walk in an outfit you enjoy but don’t have confidence in. Your world becomes extraordinarily larger once you take your first steps out of the comfort zone

Your comfort zone is built to scale for you and you only. Decide what is too much for you and what is just right. The Goldilocks Zone. 

Budgeting and Finances

This right here is the most common problem or excuse. I label them differently because…

It’s an excuse when you haven’t spent time figuring out your budget. If you haven’t sat down and looked at the numbers then there’s a good chance that there is some discrepancy with your lifestyle and income. This is because of the words “I don’t have enough money” Well of course you don’t have enough money if you haven’t built out a budgeting system. 

It’s a problem when you’ve budgeted, ran all the numbers, and you’re still unable to find a way to create the cash to follow your travel aspirations. This is a problem but problems can be solved! What are the things that you believe you could go without? Maybe its one of your 5 streaming services. Perhaps you decide that instead of going out to eat you can put that $20 into a piggy bank. If you are absolutely scraping by for pennies, there is a chance you are living above your means for your income. Lifestyle changes are in order or getting a different job. I don’t want to recommend getting another job on top of the one you already have but sometimes thats the only reason to make ends meet. If thats the case then travel plans may need to be put on the backburner for now.



Insecurities come from all of our life’s exposures and inner thoughts. It is up to us, as the individual, to conquer these negative thoughts and live life as though it was rigged in our favor. Here are the things to focus on to get out of the rut that keeps many of us down
Positive Affirmations
Yes, I can! The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are. I am allowed to feel good. These are all affirmations that are helpful. If you’re stuck on what to tell yourself you can look up some positive affirmations. They really only work if you say them out loud.
For those who think they don’t work. Just find a few affirmations that you like and set a goal of saying them a couple of times a day for 2 weeks. You will see a monumental change in your attitude and eventually your environment.



To have a healthy body, people run, lift weights, swim, etc. To have a healthy mind you meditate. Just as lifting weights is difficult, Trying to meditate is as well! It isn’t an easy thing but it does increase mental resilience. This in combination with the other things listed are an incredible combination. You can start off with just a couple of minutes and even with a guided meditation. 

Have Patience

The most important one of them all! Be patient with yourself. You aren’t going to kick up a tree because it hasn’t given you fruit a week after planting so why expect the fruits of your labor to come so early on? It is a process of growth and there’s no finish line. Believe in yourself (if you don’t, include that in your affirmations) and everything will fall into place.

Self Sabotage
this is the concept in which your actions and thoughts begin to undermine your progress towards your goals and overall hinder your growth. This can be because of the fear of failure, fear of success, low self-esteem, perfectionism, trauma, habitual patterns, or a lack of self-awareness. Figuring these things out is the first step. Everyone deserves great things if they work towards great things so don’t leave yourself out of that. Whats most often needed is an overwhelming amount of self-compassion and patience with yourself.
Self Awareness

Take some time, not minutes but hours or potentially days to reflect on why you have these insecurities. Are they related to appearance, relationships, ability, or something else entirely? Go back to when you first realized you were insecure about it and you can then realize how it began.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

The negative self-talk we give ourselves is insane. It’s so important to see when we’re putting ourselves down and then asking. “Are these thoughts based on facts or if they’re exaggerated or unfounded?

Practice Self Compassion

Being tough on yourself is common and while it can be helpful during critical moments, you aren’t surviving under these moments constantly. When you’re feeling insecure, treat yourself as if you would treat a friend or loved one. You don’t need to be aggressive but rather understanding.

“Someday” Mentality

This is a dangerous zone to be in. “Someday” is a vague and immeasurable concept that doesn’t carry any sort of weight to it. The measurement of someday is tomorrow to 70 years from now. Any of those times work but I doubt you want to wait that long for your dreams. Setting actionable steps is the only way to get out of this stage. taking the first steps is always the most difficult. Your future depends on today!


In summary, achieving your travel aspirations or personal goals involves addressing common barriers such as procrastination, prioritization, comfort zones, budgeting, insecurities, self-sabotage, and vague aspirations. Taking small, actionable steps is crucial in overcoming these obstacles. Be patient and compassionate with yourself, challenge negative thoughts, practice self-awareness, and remember that your future depends on the actions you take today. You deserve to live the life you dream of, so start making it happen now. Dont forget to celebrate all your victories. No matter how small.

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